Coming or going? Sometimes I have know idea...
Tonight, I knew exactly where I was headed...Yankee Stadium or bust. To see my Yanks take on the Seattle Mariners...but for the life of me, getting there was a journey.

If only Metro-North and MTA would get it together...I'd know if I was coming or going? It really shouldn't be that complicated to get from Westchester County to the stadium...and it shouldn't cost more than a college education...

But I digress. With all the twists and turns and mis information, walking the wrong direction on 125th Street trying to get to the green line, because hell, I wasn't about to pay an added $9.75 to get from 125th to the Stadium after already paying $8.75 to get to 125th...yes, that's one heck of a run on sentence.

That's how turned around I was. Coming or going? Who knows...the Yanks won. That I know and I love photographing trains...

My wandering soul is alive and well...
