Sand is a funny thing so the sayings go...
Like sands through the hourglass...
Bury your head in the sand...
Footprints in the sand...
Draw a line in the sand...
Sun, sea and sand...
Sinking sand... may be my favorite. As I was walking the beach in Sea Cliff, Long Island, waiting for my call time to near...I walked the beach. While I was looking out on the water, awaiting what I knew was going to be a glorious sunset... I looked down.
The beauty of looking down just may surprise the sand, so many people, dogs, trucks, birds and the like had left a footprint. I don't know when, haven't a clue...what I do know? Is they were here...they left a mark and I was able to bear witness. Eventually, the marks will sink and disappear...the waves will crash and fill in those prints or another's will replace them.
I know we are here on this earth till the Lord calls us home, while we are here, let's make our mark in the best way possible...whatever that means to you. As I etched my cowboy boots in the sand...the next wanderer will see them and leave there's...God's Beauty. You see, sinking sand brings me back to church and the hymn "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less" and the chorus:
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
Leave your mark...the time is now!